Call: (209)-962-5181
Lucky Buck Cafe - 7647 CA-120, Groveland, California, USA 95321

Authentic Customer Reviews - Lucky Buck Cafe

The following customer reviews are submitted by patrons after they have dined or enjoyed drinks at Lucky Buck Cafe. These reviews are the opinions of the customer that reflect their experience at our restaurant.

1 Review from Our Customers

Dine With:
Food Quality 100%
Service 100%
Value 100%
Cleanliness 100%
Ambience 100%
Noise 100%

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Sam T.  
February 18, 2020
"Delicious Food & Amazing Serviceā€

We were staying at the hotel that is on the same property. Dining here was extremely convenient. The food was delicious and cooked to perfection. Nice variety of beverages too.....

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